Basuki Resobowo
Basuki Resobowo dalam film Kafedo (1953) sumber: Sinematek Indonesia

Basuki Resobowo as a Jack of All Trades: The Intersectionality of Arts and Film in Perfini Films and Resobowo’s Legacy in Indonesian Cinema

Journal Southeast of Now: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Indonesia Volume 4, Number 2, Oktober 2020

Link: Project Muse

Dr. Huyung Film Indonesia
image source: kultur sinema

Identity, Minority, and the Idea of a Nation: a Closer Look on Frieda (1950) by Dr. Huyung

Journal of Korean and Asian Arts Vol. I, Spring 2020.  PDF.[KAA_01] 04. Identity, Minority, and the Idea of a Nation (U. Lestari) (2)

Samson Betawi by Nawi Ismail

About Boot and Its Traumatic Content: a Note on Benyamin Tukang Ngibul (1975) by Nawi Ismail. The paper was presented at Forum Festival by Arkipel: International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival 2019. PDF: Forum Festival Proceedings 2019_small

Garin Nugroho
Surat Untuk Bidadari (1994) by Garin Nugroho

Sumba From Java: Notes on Garin Nugroho, Ifa Ifansyah, and Mouly Surya Films. The paper was presented at Inter Asia Cultural Studies Conference 2019, August 1 – 3, Dumaguete City, Philippines. 

Link for Article 

Anak Sabiran di Balik Cahaya Gemerlapan by Hafiz

Behind The Flickering Light: The Archive and The Amateurs

Published in Nang Magazine. Available from

image source: IVAA

Jaring Perempuan

Essay on Indonesian Women Artists. Book Chapter. Membaca Arsip, Membongkar Serpihan, Friksi, Ideologi, Kontestasi: Seni Rupa Jogja 1990 – 2010. Link.

Ratna Asmara
Ratna Asmara: Perempuan di Dua Sisi Kamera (IVAA, 2022)

Ratna Asmara

Biographical essay emphasizing the role of Ratna Asmara, the first female director from Indonesia, in Indonesian cinema. Book chapter in Ratna Asmara: Perempuan di Dua Sisi Kamera (IVAA, 2022). ISBN: 978-602-51638-5-2

nawi ismail

Biang Kerok Kenikmatan: Nawi Ismail dalam Sinema Indonesia

Monograf on the role of Nawi Ismail, film director and film editor, in Indonesian cinema from Dutch colonial period to Orde Baru in Indonesia. Published by Footnote Press, 2023. ISBN: 978-623-99780-7-5⁣ 

Kay Mander and Mardi and the Monkey (1953): Woman’s Agency, Children Film, and Transnational Film Production in Indonesian Cinema

Proceedings of the International Moving Image Cultures Conference (IMOVICCON 2023)
